How to Send GIF on Android: A Step-by-Step Guide - Solve Your Tech (2024)

Sending a GIF on your Android device is a fun way to express yourself and add some flair to your conversations. It’s a simple process that can be done in just a few steps, whether you’re using a messaging app or social media platform. Here’s a quick overview: Open your messaging app, find the GIF you want to send, and tap the send button. That’s it! Now, let’s dive into the details with a step-by-step tutorial.

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Step by Step Tutorial: How to Send GIF on Android

Sending a GIF on your Android device is like adding a sprinkle of magic to your messages. It’s easy once you get the hang of it, and it can really liven up any conversation. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Open your messaging app

The first thing you need to do is open the messaging app you want to use to send the GIF.

Most messaging apps have a built-in GIF feature that allows you to search and send GIFs without leaving the app. If your app doesn’t have this feature, you can always download a GIF from a website or use a separate GIF keyboard app.

Step 2: Find the GIF you want to send

Next, you’ll want to find the perfect GIF to convey your message or emotion.

If your messaging app has a GIF feature, there’s usually a search bar where you can type in keywords to find the right GIF. If you’re using a GIF keyboard app, it will work similarly.

Step 3: Tap the send button

Once you’ve found the GIF you want to send, all you have to do is tap the send button.

The GIF will then be sent to the recipient, and you should see it appear in your conversation thread just like any other message you would send.

After you complete these steps, the recipient will receive the GIF and it will play automatically in their messaging thread. It’s a great way to add some fun and personality to your conversations!

Tips for Sending GIFs on Android

When sending GIFs on Android, keep these tips in mind to make the process smooth and enjoyable:

  • Make sure your messaging app is up to date to ensure the best performance and access to the latest GIF features.
  • Use specific keywords when searching for GIFs to find the most relevant options.
  • Preview the GIF before sending it to ensure it conveys the right message or emotion.
  • Consider the context of your conversation and the recipient’s sense of humor before sending a GIF.
  • Remember that some GIFs may have large file sizes, which can affect your data usage if you’re not connected to Wi-Fi.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my messaging app doesn’t have a GIF feature?

If your messaging app doesn’t have a GIF feature, you can download a GIF from a website and then attach it to your message like you would with a photo, or use a dedicated GIF keyboard app.

Can I send GIFs on all Android devices?

Yes, you can send GIFs on all Android devices, as long as the messaging app you’re using supports GIFs or you have a GIF keyboard app installed.

Do GIFs use a lot of data?

GIFs can use more data than sending a regular text message, especially if they are high resolution or have a lot of frames. It’s a good idea to be connected to Wi-Fi when sending GIFs to avoid using up your data allowance.

Can I customize GIFs before sending them?

Some apps and GIF keyboard apps allow you to add text or edit the GIF before sending. Check the features of your chosen app to see if this is possible.

Will the person I’m sending the GIF to need a special app to view it?

No, the recipient does not need a special app to view the GIF. It will play automatically in their messaging app.


  1. Open your messaging app.
  2. Find the GIF you want to send.
  3. Tap the send button.


Now that you’ve mastered the art of sending GIFs on Android, you can add a little extra pizzazz to your digital conversations. Whether it’s a cheeky wink, a happy dance, or a facepalm moment, there’s a GIF out there for every situation. With the tips and FAQ provided, you’ll be a GIF-sending pro in no time.

Just remember to use this newfound power responsibly. After all, with great GIFs comes great responsibility. Keep the context and the recipient in mind, and you’ll be sure to spread smiles and laughter. So go forth, and let those GIFs fly! And if you ever find yourself stuck in a text conversation that’s lost its spark, just remember: a well-timed GIF can be worth a thousand words.

How to Send GIF on Android: A Step-by-Step Guide - Solve Your Tech (1)

Matthew Burleigh

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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How to Send GIF on Android: A Step-by-Step Guide - Solve Your Tech (2024)


How to Send GIF on Android: A Step-by-Step Guide - Solve Your Tech? ›

Android doesn't support GIF natively: Some Android still doesn't have built-in GIF support, it cannot run GIFs naturally within the system. Android prefers WebM: Android had WebM support for a long time. It is a similar format to GIF with better compression of data and higher quality.

How do I send a GIF on a text message? ›

How to Text a GIF
  1. On the GIPHY mobile app, tap on the GIF that you'd like to share. Get the GIPHY App!
  2. Tap on the Text Message button.
  3. Your GIF will automatically appear in the Message app on your iPhone or Android.
  4. Hit send and watch your GIF autoplay in the text thread!

Why is GIFs not working on my Android phone? ›

Android doesn't support GIF natively: Some Android still doesn't have built-in GIF support, it cannot run GIFs naturally within the system. Android prefers WebM: Android had WebM support for a long time. It is a similar format to GIF with better compression of data and higher quality.

Does Android support GIFs? ›

Display an animated GIF using Android platform support

Android 9+ (API level 28) has built-in support for animated GIF files. With a little help from an Accompanist library, Jetpack Compose can play these animations with just a few lines of code.

Why can't I send a GIF in a text message on Android? ›

Let's say you tried all this, but you find yourself asking, “Why can't I send a GIF in a text message on Android?” If that's the case, it's possible that your smartphone is in need of an update. Poor Wi-Fi connection and low storage space may also prevent you from searching for and sending GIFs to an SMS chat.

Why can't I send GIFs anymore? ›

Check the settings within your messaging app to ensure multimedia sending options are enabled. Sometimes, there are specific settings related to sending GIFs and stickers that may need to be adjusted.

How can I get free GIFs on my Android? ›

How to download GIFs for free
  1. Go to Canva. Log in to your account and start a new project from scratch or with a template.
  2. Access the GIPHY app. Go to the side panel and click Apps. ...
  3. Browse the free GIF library. ...
  4. Download free GIFs. ...
  5. Download or share your design.

Where has my gif keyboard gone? ›

Go to Settings-General-Keyboards-Add New Keyboard. then I searched for gif and it popped up. I added it and now it's back on my keyboard!

Is there a GIF app for Android? ›

ImgPlay (Free & Paid | Android & IOS) ImgPlay makes it easy to turn your photos and videos into GIFs or videos. It stands out with its ability to edit both existing GIFs and create new ones from scratch, offering a simple interface and powerful editing tools, including reverse play and frame-by-frame editing.

Do GIFs cost money on Android? ›

If your carrier charges for MMS, then you will be charged for sending GIFs and MMS.

How to get free GIFs on Android? ›

Get free GIFs anytime, anywhere

Always be ready to create—download the Canva app on your desktop, iOs, and Android devices, so you can explore the GIPHY library and download free GIFs on-the-go.

How do I download GIFs to my Android? ›

On Android:

Tap on Three vertical icons: Open the GIF by tapping on it to find the three vertical icons. Now tap on them to open the list of options, from which tap on Save/Download.

Does it cost to send GIFs on Android? ›

If your carrier charges for MMS, then you will be charged for sending GIFs and MMS.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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