Dr. Sebi’s Vegetables List (FREE PDF PRINTABLE DOWNLOAD) - Alkaline Vegan Living (2024)

“You’re made ofelements. Take the time to learn the foods with high element properties in order to save your health and your body.” ~ Dr. Sebi


Dr. Sebi’s vegetable list is the ultimate guide to health and healing! It contains a selection of super-veggies with alkalizing, non-hybrid properties that promote good health like amaranth greens, dandelions and okra. So why not put Dr. Sebi’s nutritional advice into action? You’ll feel healthier in no time just by adding some of these veggies to your diet – this is a great way for anyone looking to make healthier eating choices. No matter what kind of dietary needs or preferences you have, there are plenty of options from these alkaline non-hybrid non-mucus forming veggie selections that will give beneficial boosts in overall well-being plus help support healing processes too. Dr. Sebi is an inspiring figure who has dedicated his life to helping individuals achieve their healthiest selves — and he knows just the thing! A nutritious diet of alkaline-rich foods that can help keep both disease and mucus at bay; how’s that for a winning combo? Below is the list of Dr. Sebi’s approved and unapproved vegetables:
Table of Dr. Sebi’s approved vegetables as contained in the nutritional guide:

1. Amaranth green (same as callaloo)
Amaranth greens, otherwise known as callaloo, are a delicious and nutritious leafy green
vegetables. Incorporating them into your diet is simple since they can be found fresh in
most grocery stores or frozen and canned for convenience. With their slightly sweet flavor
and tender texture, amaranth greens make an excellent addition to soups, stews , and
salads alike – making it no wonder that they’re so popular across the Caribbean islands.
They can be found fresh, frozen, or canned at most grocery stores.

2. Wild arugula
Arugula, known as rocket or roquette, adds a delightful peppery flavor to any salad.
Popular in Mediterranean cuisine and easy to grow, this cool-weather crop is ideal for
planting during the spring and fall months. Whether you choose to eat it raw or cooked up
with your favorite ingredients, arugula makes a delicious addition that’s sure to liven up any

3. Avocado
Avocados are a nutritious powerhouse! They’re alkaline and incredibly packed with
beneficial vitamins like C, E & K – plus healthy fats. And they’re not just good for you; they
also taste amazing! You can make dozens of delicious dishes or snacks using avocados-
from smoothies to salads and even guacamole dips… the possibilities are endless.

4. Bell peppers
Bell peppers are a unique type of chili pepper that has been cultivated since thousands of
years ago in Central and South America. They come in many vibrant colors including green,
red, yellow, and orange which adds an eye-catching finish to any dish. Not only can they
liven up salads with their crunchy texture but these low-calorie foods also provide health
benefits as certified by the nutritional guide due to its alkaline content! Whether raw or
cooked – roasted bell peppers make for a great topping on your favorite dishes adding
flavor while being nutritious at the same time!

5. Chayote (mexican squash)
From its Mexican origins, to salads and soups alike – chayote squash can add a unique
flavor to any dish. With an edible pear-shaped fruit that’s either green or white in color, this
delicate vegetable is full of essential vitamins like C & B6; plus potassium and fiber. So why
not try adding some more nutritious requirements to your next meal? Try incorporating
chayote for a light delicacy you won’t want to miss out on.

6. Dandelion greens
Dandelion greens are nutritional dynamos that can be enjoyed in an array of forms. One
cup of dandelion greens contains more than the daily recommended value of vitamins A
and K, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium and a hefty dose of fiber. As raw salads they’re
delicious but slightly bitter; when cooked their distinctive taste is transformed into one to
savor with every bite.

7. Cucumber
Whether you’re looking for a fresh and hydrating snack or an easy way to add more
alkalinity into your diet, cucumbers are the perfect solution. Not only is their high water
content great news for those seeking optimal hydration levels but they also don’t bring too
many calories on board either! Get creative with them by pickling, juicing – even adding
them to salads or other dishes – this versatile vegetable has plenty of benefits so it’s worth
giving a go.

8. Garbanzo beans (Chickpeas)
Garbanzo beans, commonly referred to as chickpeas, have graced plates around the world
for centuries with their delicious nutty flavor and substantial nutritional value. They are the
only legume approved in Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide list and native to both Mediterranean
and Middle Eastern regions, these legumes are a great source of plant-based protein;
providing fiber iron, and folate – all essential vitamins needed by the human body. They can
be enjoyed cooked or raw (roasted!), added into salads or soups.

9. Izote (cactus flower/cactus leaf)
Found across a wide range of climates, the izote is an important part of Mexico’s botanical
heritage. It grows from Arizona to northern South America in colors ranging from magenta and
pale yellow, often forming beautiful floral displays along roadsides. The cactus also has many
culinary uses – as well as being eaten raw by locals in salads or candied desserts- its fruit can be
used for jam making! Medicinally it’s been used for centuries too – with its leaves believed to
have healing properties that help soothe various ailments including sore throats and skin

10. Kale
Kale is an incredibly nutrient-dense superfood that provides a variety of essential vitamins and
minerals. Known for its vibrant green leaves, kale can be found in salads or as an alternative to
spinach – all packed with Vitamin A, C & K; Calcium, and Iron. It also contains cancer-fighting
antioxidants and has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. In addition to being healthy, kale
is also delicious when cooked properly.

11. Lettuce (all except iceberg)
Lettuce is a delicious, highly nutritious vegetable that can be enjoyed in many ways! There are
different varieties of lettuce to choose from: romaine, spinach and the classic iceberg. While all
types are recommended by Dr. Sebi for their health benefits which include vitamins A & C , iron
and calcium – he recommends avoiding iceberg due its high water content. Raw or cooked, this
leafy green makes an amazing addition to salads and sandwiches alike – with low calories but
plenty of flavor.

12. Mushrooms (all except sh*take)
Mushrooms have captivated humankind for centuries – from their use in traditional Chinese medicine to the exotic taste of a portobello burger. While often mistaken as vegetables, they actually belong to an entirely different kingdom: fungi! Growing mostly on decaying plant matter and soil, mushrooms come in many shapes and sizes. Common varieties include button mushrooms, tasty portabellos. However, Dr. Sebi does not approve of the sh*take variety – not all are edible though; some can be poisonous or harmful if consumed carelessly! Despite this risk factor, it is believed that regular consumption of “edible” mushrooms may provide several health benefits such as anti-cancer properties according to recent research findings. Additionally, these humble organisms also contain essential minerals including vitamin D & selenium which contribute towards overall well-being.


13. Nopales (Mexican cactus)
Nopales, the pads of a Mexican cactus, can bring many varied flavors to your plate. With their delightful balance between sour and salty notes, adding nopales as an ingredient in salads or side dishes is sure to tantalize taste buds. Not only that – these succulent vegetable paddles are packed with essential vitamins like C & K plus minerals such as calcium for a guilt-free yet flavor- filled experience. Whether it’s fresh from the field or cooked into something comforting; pickled just right…nopal cacti have something to offer everyone.

14. Okra
Native to Africa, okra was brought to the Americas by slaves during the 1600s and today it’s widely enjoyed in warm climates all over the world. This plant produces green fruits about six inches long which are edible either raw or cooked; when cooked they have an unmistakable sliminess that gives them their distinctive flavor – perfect as a thickener for soups and stews! An excellent source of vitamins A & C, Okra provides both nutrition and a delicious taste no matter how you eat it.

15. Olives
Olives are a popular and versatile fruit, beloved in countless cultures around the world. They grow on century-old olive trees native to the Mediterranean region. In autumn when they reach ripeness, olives can be harvested for their oil which is then pressed out of them – this oil has many uses from cooking to cosmetics and even medicine! Olives come in an array of colors including green, black or brown; whether you eat them whole or use them as a flavorful addition to your recipes – it’s safe to say that both foodies and health enthusiasts alike love olives.

16. Onion
There’s a lot to love about onions. They add flavor to just about any dish, they’re alkaline and
healthy, and they’re pretty easy to cook with. It’s perfect for adding flavor to stews, sauces, and casseroles, and it can also be used as a standalone ingredient in dishes like onion soup and caramelized onions. Onions are low in calories and fat, and they’re a good source of Vitamin C. They’re also believed to have health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and helping to prevent cancer.

17. Wakame
Wakame is a type of edible seaweed that is often used in Asian cuisine. It has a mild, slightly
sweet flavor and a firm, chewy texture. Wakame is most commonly used in soups and salads, but it can also be used as an ingredient in other dishes such as stir-fries and rice bowls. Wakame is a good source of iodine, calcium, and iron, making it a healthy addition to any diet.

18. Dulse
Dulse is a type of edible seaweed that is often used in Asian cuisine. It has a slightly spicy flavor and is often used as a seasoning or ingredient in soups and stews. Dulse is high in iodine, which makes it a good choice for people who are looking to add more iodine to their diet. It is also a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as iron and calcium. Dulse can be found fresh or dried in most Asian markets.

19. Arame
Arame is a type of seaweed that is often used in Asian cuisine. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor,
and is often used as a garnish or edible decoration. It is rich in minerals, including iodine, calcium, and magnesium. It is also a good source of fiber and protein. Arame can be found fresh or dried in most Asian markets. It is typically sold in small bundles and should be soaked in water for about 10 minutes before use. When cooked, Arame will become tender and slightly transparent. It can be stir-fried, added to soups or stews, or used as a topping for rice or noodles.

20. Hijiki
If you’re a fan of sushi, then you’ve probably had hijiki at some point. This traditional Japanese seaweed is often used as a sushi filling or as a garnish, and it has a distinctive salty flavor. Hijiki is also a good source of minerals, including iron and calcium. In fact, just a small amount of hijiki provides over 70% of the daily recommended intake of iron. Additionally, hijiki contains dietary fiber and prebiotic compounds that help to promote gut health. Though it is traditionally eaten in Japan, hijiki is now enjoyed around the world.

21. Nori
Nori is a type of seaweed that is commonly used in Japanese cuisine. It has a slightly salty, umami flavor and a slightly chewy texture. Nori is most commonly used to wrap sushi, but it can also be used in other dishes such as soups and stews. Seaweed is a good source of iodine, which is an essential nutrient for the body. It also contains other vitamins and minerals, such as iron and calcium. Nori is low in calories and fat, making it a healthy addition to any diet.

22. Purslane (verdolaga)
Purslane is a succulent plant that grows in many parts of the world. Also known as verdolaga, this plant is often used in soups and stews. Purslane has a slightly sour taste and is high in vitamins A and C. The leaves and stems of the plant are edible, and it is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to being a tasty addition to many dishes, purslane is also considered a medicinal herb. It has been used to treat wounds, skin conditions, and digestive problems. Purslane is easy to grow, and it makes an attractive ground cover in gardens.

23. Sea moss
Sea moss, also known as Irish moss or carrageen moss, is a type of algae that grows in the intertidal zone along rocky coasts. It gets its common name from its habitat, as well as its reddish-brown color. Sea moss is a source of iodine, calcium, and other minerals, and has been used traditionally as a treatment for many ailments. Dr. Sebi was a veteran advocate of sea moss as it contains high anountsa of Iron. It is also a popular ingredient in vegan recipes, as it can be used to thicken and stabilize soups, sauces, and desserts. In addition to its culinary and medicinal uses, sea moss is also used in the cosmetics industry as an emollient and thickener in lotions, creams, and shampoos.

24. Squash
Squash is a fruit that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. This family includes cucumbers, melons, and gourds. Squash is considered a “new world” food, meaning it was first cultivated in the Americas. The most popular varieties of squash include acorn, butternut, and pumpkins. Squash is a versatile fruit that can be eaten raw, cooked, or roasted. It can also be used to make soups, pies, and bread.

25. Tomato (cherry and plum only)
Cherry and plum tomatoes are two of the most popular types of tomatoes and for good reason. They are alkaline, healthier, and whose molecular structure hasn’t been tampered with. As such, they are the only approved varieties in the nutritional guide. Both are extremely versatile and can be used in a wide variety of recipes. They are often used in salads, sandwiches, and sauces. Cherry tomatoes are small and round, while plum tomatoes are oval-shaped. Both types of tomatoes are usually red, but there are also yellow and green varieties. Cherry tomatoes generally have a sweeter flavor than plum tomatoes. Plum tomatoes are usually juicier and less acidic than cherry tomatoes. When choosing tomatoes, look for ones that are firm and free of blemishes. Avoid tomatoes that are mushy or have wrinkles on the skin.

26. Tomatillo
The tomatillo is a fruit that is closely related to the tomato. It is native to Mexico and Central America, and it has been cultivated for centuries. The tomatillo is a small, green fruit that is encased in a paper-like husk. When ripe, the fruit will be soft and slightly sweeter than a tomato. Tomatillos are often used in Mexican and Latin American cuisine, and they are a key ingredient in salsa verde. They can also be eaten raw or cooked, and they make an excellent addition to salads, soups, and stews.

27. Turnip greens
Turnip greens are a Nutritious leafy green vegetable that belongs to the Brassicaceae family, which also includes cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts. The turnip itself is a root vegetable that has a white or light purple flesh with a mildly sweet flavor. Turnip greens are the leaves of the turnip plant and have a slightly bitter taste. Nevertheless, they are a good source of vitamins A, C, and K as well as calcium, iron, and folate. Turnip greens can be eaten cooked or raw and are often used in salads or as a side dish.

28. Watercress
Watercress is a type of leafy green vegetable that is often used in salads or as a garnish. It has a slightly peppery flavor and is very healthy, as it is high in vitamins A and C. Watercress is a member of the cabbage family and is related to mustard greens and horseradish. The plant grows best in cool, running water, and has been cultivated for centuries. In ancient Rome, watercress was considered to be an important food for athletes, as it was thought to help increase stamina. Today, watercress is still eaten by many people for its health benefits. It can be bought fresh from markets, or grown at home in a kitchen garden.

29. Zucchini
Zucchini is a type of summer squash that is usually green and cylindrical in shape. It is a versatile vegetable that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Zucchini can be grilled, roasted, baked, or even stir-fried. It is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber and potassium. One of the best things about zucchini is that it is very easy to grow. It is a hardy plant that does not require a lot of attention.

Dr. Sebi’s Vegetables List (FREE PDF PRINTABLE DOWNLOAD) - Alkaline Vegan Living (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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